Monday Jul 27, 2020
A Change is Gonna Come
Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
It's no secret that the great Sam Cooke's song was the inspiration for the title of Episode 134 of The Launchcast.
"There been times that I thought I wouldn't last for long,
Now I think I'm able to carry on,
It's been a long, a long time coming,
But I know a change's gonna come, oh, yes, it will.
The LaunchDad was inspired to talk about the concept of change, how to get through it, how to transform during it, and how to thrive. Change management, the balance phenomenon, reconciliation, and more golden coaching nuggets come from this quick episode as we STILL talk leadership, business, life, and growth.
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast
For info on Erick Mauro's company Creative Games (mentioned during the episode) follow the links below:
This episode is sponsored by Let'sGetChecked.com
This episode is also sponsored by TONOR Microphone
This episode is also sponsored by The Leadership Experience
A coaching masterclass by the LaunchDad himself, George Andriopoulos. Enroll in the August cohort and check out the add-on tracks, including: Public Thought Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Career, and "The Podcast Experience" track. Starting mid-August, we'll also be offering 2 self paced options:
- A Leadership in Organizational Management Certification course
- A self-paced podcasting course
More details: http://theleadershipexp.com
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow
Monday Jul 20, 2020
The Big Bang Query
Monday Jul 20, 2020
Monday Jul 20, 2020
How does The Big Bang Theory theme song go? "Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state, then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started, WAIT." Episode 133 of The Launchcast is aptly titled "The Big Bang Query," because we're looking at the idea of a singularity that explodes in our lives that causes one of two things: creation or destruction. But, why? Why do big bangs in our lives have such residual effect on our mindsets, productivity, and more? The LaunchDad explores this topic and discusses how to reclaim your right to your happiness through leadership. Leadership, life, and growth, with a small side of business are on the menu today.
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast
This episode is sponsored by Let'sGetChecked.com
This episode is also sponsored by TONOR Microphone
This episode is also sponsored by The Leadership Experience
A coaching masterclass by the LaunchDad himself, George Andriopoulos. Enroll in the August cohort and check out the add-on tracks, including: Public Thought Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Career, and "The Podcast Experience" track. Starting mid-August, we'll also be offering 2 self paced options:
- A Leadership in Organizational Management Certification course
- A self-paced podcasting course
More details: http://theleadershipexp.com
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow
Monday Jul 13, 2020
All The World's A Stage - Dan Domenech
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Time for a riddle: What has 2 hands, 2 feet, has slayed the hair-band songs of the 80s on Broadway, captured the hearts of teens across the world on tv screens, and was stuck out at sea for 2 months during a quarantine? Why it's our guest on episode 132 of The Launchcast, Broadway star Dan Domenech of course! The obvious thing to say here is that Dan has appeared on a ton of productions including starring as Drew on Broadway's Rock of Ages, with Heathers, Wonderland, Sister Act on the theater resume, PLUS a recurring role on television's Glee. What's not obvious? Leadership comes out in the moments when you least expect it too. The LaunchDad chats with Domenech about the crisis on Broadway caused by the pandemic, his unexpectedly longer than planned stint on a cruise ship due to quarantine at sea, and the importance of the arts during an unprecedented time in history like right now. Get your jazz hands ready, it's about to get very theatrical on the podcast.
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast
Follow Dan Domenech:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dan_domenech
Check out https://www.dandomenech.com for more info.
Visit https://actorsfund.org to see how you can help the entire theater community during this difficult time.
This episode is sponsored by Let'sGetChecked.com
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Put a Sock In It - John Cronin & Mark Cronin
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
If we told you that a man was born with Down syndrome, a hole in his heart, and required intestinal surgery at 2 days old, what would your expectations of his life be? If your answer is "low expectations," you're missing the secret ingredient: happiness. On episode 131, The Launchcast interviews John Cronin and his father Mark Cronin, co-founders of John's Crazy Socks, a social enterprise that the boys bootstrapped during start-up phase and have grown into a multi-million dollar organization whose mission is to spread happiness (with the CRAZIEST socks). Since this podcast is all about exploring the depths of leadership, George felt it was his duty to ask John and Mark the hard-hitting questions that tell the true stories of the leadership journey. In order to remain true to that mission, this episode comes to you in its original raw, unedited form. Please be patient and pay close attention to John's answers...they contain some of the best examples of leadership that we've every heard on this show.
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast
Follow John's Crazy Socks at:
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/johnscrazysocks/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/johnscrazysocks/
Check out johnscrazysocks.com, to order.
This episode is sponsored by Swanson Health.
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow
Monday Jun 29, 2020
How To Be a Human Being Part 4 - The Protest Series: Commencement
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
It's too cliché to say that all good things must come to an end...in fact, it's downright wrong. The Launchcast premieres Part 4 of The Protest Series: "How to Be a Human Being" with episode 130, our final addition to this four part series that discusses the uncomfortable conversations surrounding race in the United States. Over the course of these episodes, the audience and panelists have taken a deep journey with so much information being uncovered. What better way to cap off a journey like this than with a commencement speech by the LaunchDad himself that speaks not only to the graduating class of 2020, but to those that have been recently enlightened and activated by the events surrounding the murder of George Floyd. The four part series ends, but the fight is just getting started. Onward!
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Special thanks to one of our fellow podcasts in the struggle (or the juggle as they would say) Sanity is Overrated for the inspiration to cap this series off with a commencement speech episode. Catch them on social here: Facebook or Instagram, and listen to their season 1 finale here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/commencement-season-1-is-a-wrap/id1494153137?i=1000479934598
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast.
This episode is sponsored by Swanson Health.
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow
Monday Jun 22, 2020
How to Be a Human Being Part 3 - The Protest Series
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
It's a different perspective from a different panel, but the mission remains the same: educate the misinformed, activate the undiscovered leaders, awaken those on the fringe. The Launchcast premieres Part 3 The Protest Series: "How to Be a Human Being" with episode 129, our second in a series of panel discussions. Last week we spoke to 2 teenagers and 3 twenty-somethings who are leading the fight in their generation. In this episode, George has a discussion with 2 eclectic panelists that have a lifetime of stories to tell, a wealth of knowledge to impart, and 2 microphones to do it with. FULL TRANSPARENCY: In order to have a conversation that considers all perspectives, we had 2 white guests booked onto this episode. They backed out at the last minute. This isn't about color, but in order to work together towards progress, EVERYONE who wants to show up needs to ACTUALLY show up. At the tail end of the conversation George turned this panel into an UNPANEL and gave our guests the opportunity to ask George any questions that the conversation had awakened within them. This was a damn good one. Panelists include:
Dr. Paul Prosper:
Paul as born in Kingston, Jamaica & moved to New York, at the age of 10. Paul finished up high school at the Fork Union Military Academy (FUMA), an all-boys boarding military high school in Virginia. He attended The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina and upon graduation from The Citadel, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. He has since received his Masters in Human Relations and his doctorate in management. Dr. Prosper is now an Active Duty Major and is a Senior Director on the Air Force’s $330 million mighty E-3 Sentry, Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS).
Paul was an Assistant Professor of Management in the Management Department at the United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO up until Sept. 2019. His teaching areas of expertise were Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management and is certified as a “Senior Professional in Human Resources” by the Human Resources Certification Institute. Paul also runs Prosperous Investments, LLC, a is a business real estate investment company that also has a tremendous outreach program that provides scholarships to graduating high school seniors.
Hana Getachew:
Brooklyn based designer Hana Getachew started Bolé Road Textiles out of a desire to merge her love of Ethiopian handwoven fabrics with her career in interior design.
During her eleven years at a major New York City architecture firm Hana realized her affinity for vibrant colors and graphic patterns was a direct result of her upbringing in a home filled with amazing traditional Ethiopian textiles. Her designs for Bolé Road are an homage to that cultural inheritance and a reflection of her own personal global modern aesthetic.
Hana was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. After a few years in Montreal, her family settled in New York. A graduate of Cornell University with a degree in interior design, Hana was formerly Associate Principal at Studios Architecture in New York City. During her time there she helped design the flagships and headquarters of some of the city’s most prominent companies.
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Follow Hana and @boleroadtextiles on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest and visit Bole Road Textiles at https://boleroadtextiles.com.
Follow Paul and Prosperous Investments on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and at https://pprosperllc.com.
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast.
Recommended reads from Dr. Prosper:
A People's History of the United States https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0062397346/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Jlb8EbW3YQT8E
Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0883780305/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_lob8Eb9PX7GQR
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1631494538/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_dpb8Eb9BSRBR1
The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0465049664/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Rpb8EbXR9Y6DW
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0805086846/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_oqb8EbSB49Z5C
This episode is sponsored by Swanson Health.
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow
Monday Jun 15, 2020
How To Be A Human Being Part 2 - The Protest Series
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
It's time for the elephant in the room. The conversations that we've been avoiding because we're "tired of the negativity." Black Lives Matter, privilege, neutrality, systemic racism...all of it. The Launchcast premieres Part 2 The Protest Series: "How to Be a Human Being" with episode 128, our first in a series of panel discussions. George moderates (or attempts to moderate) a discussion with 5 guests who are fighting the good fight:
Malik Seelal - Graduate of SUNY New Paltz, MBA. Co-organizer of a NY based peaceful protest in early June.
Jasmine Rashid - Oakland-based activist and strategist, Peace and Conflict Studies graduate of Swarthmore College, and Congressman John Lewis Humanity in Action fellow. She currently serves as the Director of Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships for the impact investing firm Candide Group. Co-organizer of a NY based peaceful protest in early June.
Sandra Costanzo - Hofstra University graduate with a degree in Public Relations and an English minor. Co-organizer of a NY based peaceful protest in early June.
Madison Outing - Upcoming high school senior who is passionate about social justice issues. Co-Founder of REAL Harmony
Carl Bacette - Upcoming high school senior dedicated to his continuing work on social justice issues. Co-Founder of REAL Harmony
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast.
This episode is sponsored by Ladder. Ladder was founded by LeBron James and Arnold Schwarzenegger to change the way supplements are made. They worked with the top scientists to formulate a line of clean performance products. Unlike other supplements, every batch is tested by a third-party to verify the highest standards for quality and safety. Ladder’s goal is to help you unlock your best in any situation. Right now, that mean access to special offers and expert advice from their community. Use code BETTEREVERYDAY for 30% everything sitewide at https://ladder.sport.
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow
Monday Jun 08, 2020
How To Be A Human Being Part 1 - The Protest Series
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
A new line has been drawn in the sand and the leadership gauntlet has been thrown down. Will you pick it up? I'm talking to black people who are angry, white people who are allies, black people who are traumatized, white people who refuse to see what's really going on, and people of all colors who are tired of the social media wars and want to just do the damn thing, already. It's time to listen to all previous episodes of The Launchcast at 8x speed and get caught up on how to be a leader, because right now we need as many as we can get. Episode 127, How to Be a Human Being Part 1, is the first in The Protest Series of episodes. Starting next week, the LaunchDad will moderate small panels over the coming weeks that dive into racism, the Black Lives Matter movement, the meaning of privilege, and so much more. For this episode, George seizes the opportunity to talk about his week of social justice research, thoughtful conversations, and deciding how to best use his platform as a white male business owner of privilege in order to lead thoughtfully during this difficult time. Leadership galore happens here, every damn week.
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast.
Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the United States and around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis transforming their lives and the future we share. Here are some ways your support can make a difference.
- BABY’S FIRST BOOK $5 – can buy a baby’s first book, providing comfort and inspiring lifelong love of learning
- HEALTHY MEALS $5 – can provide a nutritious breakfast and lunch for a child who usually relies on school for food
- FEED A CHILD $10 – can nourish an out-of-school child in need for one day breakfast, lunch and dinner
- CHILDREN’S BOOK $15 – can provide a precious book to stem learning loss for an out-of-school child in need
- FEED 5 KIDS $25 – can serve a nutritious breakfast and lunch to five out-of-school children in need
- LEARNING IS FUN $35 – can provide educational toys and activities to engage eager out-of- school learners
- LEARNING SUPPLIES $50 – can deliver essentials that keep kids learning while out of school, like books, activities and supplies
- 20 HEALTHY MEALS $50 – can serve 10 hungry, out-of-school children a nutritious breakfast and lunch
- HOME LIBRARY $100 – can fill a bookshelf for an out-of-school child in rural America, where many don’t own a single book
This episode is also sponsored by Ladder. Ladder was founded by LeBron James and Arnold Schwarzenegger to change the way supplements are made. They worked with the top scientists to formulate a line of clean performance products. Unlike other supplements, every batch is tested by a third-party to verify the highest standards for quality and safety. Ladder’s goal is to help you unlock your best in any situation. Right now, that mean access to special offers and expert advice from their community. Use code BETTEREVERYDAY for 30% everything sitewide at https://ladder.sport.
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow
Monday Jun 01, 2020
The Balance Phenomenon
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
"Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in The Force, and all will be given over to The Dark Side." - Alan Dean Forster (Star Wars novelist)
The Launchcast broadcasts from a remote vacation locale for Episode 126 and George takes a look at one of his most important pillars of leadership, "The Balance Phenomenon." Imagine the feeling that Luke Skywalker felt when he finally mastered The Force, or the power that Neo felt when he understood how to control The Matrix. The LaunchDad takes a deep dive into the power of bringing balance into your personal and professional life, while fighting the scorching sun over the Long Island Sound and battling a nest of bumble bees. It's not always perfect, but damn it is it necessary.
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast.
Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the United States and around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis transforming their lives and the future we share. Here are some ways your support can make a difference.
- BABY’S FIRST BOOK $5 – can buy a baby’s first book, providing comfort and inspiring lifelong love of learning
- HEALTHY MEALS $5 – can provide a nutritious breakfast and lunch for a child who usually relies on school for food
- FEED A CHILD $10 – can nourish an out-of-school child in need for one day breakfast, lunch and dinner
- CHILDREN’S BOOK $15 – can provide a precious book to stem learning loss for an out-of-school child in need
- FEED 5 KIDS $25 – can serve a nutritious breakfast and lunch to five out-of-school children in need
- LEARNING IS FUN $35 – can provide educational toys and activities to engage eager out-of- school learners
- LEARNING SUPPLIES $50 – can deliver essentials that keep kids learning while out of school, like books, activities and supplies
- 20 HEALTHY MEALS $50 – can serve 10 hungry, out-of-school children a nutritious breakfast and lunch
- HOME LIBRARY $100 – can fill a bookshelf for an out-of-school child in rural America, where many don’t own a single book
This episode is also sponsored by The Leadership Experience - a coaching masterclass by the Launchdad himself, George Andriopoulos. Enroll in the June cohort and check out the add-on tracks, including: Public Thought Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Career, and the brand new "The Podcast Experience" track, co-taught by George and Marc Cordon. More details: http://theleadershipexp.com
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow
Monday May 25, 2020
The State of the Podcast Address and The Reopening of New York
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
25 episodes of The Launchcast and we're celebrating on Episode 125 by having George give "The State of the Podcast" address to our loyal listeners. We talk about the tremendous growth of the show, listened to in 35 countries, with no end in sight. Former guest Marc Cordon of The Golden Mic Podcast stops in for a little conversation about the importance of podcasting and the boys talk about how they've joined forces to launch "The Podcast Experience," a 6 week podcasting intensive course available with George's coaching masterclass, The Leadership Experience. The Joy Bros wax poetic on The Joe Rogan Experience and his move to Spotify, The Howard Stern Show, Elvis Duran and the Morning Show, and much more. For the dessert course of your meal, George talks about the reopening of New York after the COVID-19 quarantine has begun to lift...and by "talks," we mean a rant. Hey, everyone's aloud a rant once in a while. Leadership is aplenty in this jewel of an episode.
Hosted by entrepreneur and keynote/TEDx speaker George Andriopoulos.
Follow @launchpadceo on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Visit http://thelaunchcast.com or more show info and to download/stream the podcast.
Follow Marc Cordon:
Marc's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marc.cordon
Marc's Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marccordoncoaching/
Visit The Joy Revolution: https://joyrevolution.com
Listen to The Golden Mic Podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-golden-mic-podcast/id1492809943
Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the United States and around the world, we work every day to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We deliver lasting results for millions of children, including those hardest to reach. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis transforming their lives and the future we share. Here are some ways your support can make a difference.
- BABY’S FIRST BOOK $5 – can buy a baby’s first book, providing comfort and inspiring lifelong love of learning
- HEALTHY MEALS $5 – can provide a nutritious breakfast and lunch for a child who usually relies on school for food
- FEED A CHILD $10 – can nourish an out-of-school child in need for one day breakfast, lunch and dinner
- CHILDREN’S BOOK $15 – can provide a precious book to stem learning loss for an out-of-school child in need
- FEED 5 KIDS $25 – can serve a nutritious breakfast and lunch to five out-of-school children in need
- LEARNING IS FUN $35 – can provide educational toys and activities to engage eager out-of- school learners
- LEARNING SUPPLIES $50 – can deliver essentials that keep kids learning while out of school, like books, activities and supplies
- 20 HEALTHY MEALS $50 – can serve 10 hungry, out-of-school children a nutritious breakfast and lunch
- HOME LIBRARY $100 – can fill a bookshelf for an out-of-school child in rural America, where many don’t own a single book
This episode is also sponsored by Ladder. Ladder was founded by LeBron James and Arnold Schwarzenegger to change the way supplements are made. They worked with the top scientists to formulate a line of clean performance products. Unlike other supplements, every batch is tested by a third-party to verify the highest standards for quality and safety. Ladder’s goal is to help you unlock your best in any situation. Right now, that mean access to special offers and expert advice from their community. Use code BETTEREVERYDAY for 30% everything sitewide at https://ladder.sport.
This episode is also sponsored by The Leadership Experience - a coaching masterclass by the Launchdad himself, George Andriopoulos. Enroll in the June cohort and check out the add-on tracks, including: Public Thought Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Career, and the brand new "The Podcast Experience" track, co-taught by George and Marc Cordon. More details: http://theleadershipexp.com
Subscribe to The Launchcast on Apple Podcasts and get notified of new episodes, every Monday!
Or find us on every other platform (as well as all of our links) here: https://linktr.ee/thelaunchcastshow